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What is server?

A server is a device which is build to process requests. And send data over the internet or a local network to another computer. 

Many people understand the word server to mean a web server where web pages can be accessed through the internet via a client like a web browser. There are however many types, including local ones such as file servers that store data within an intranet network.

Although any computer running the appropriate software will act as a server. The most common use of the word refers to the large, high-powered machines that operate as the pumps pushing and pulling data from the internet.

Most networks of computers support one or more servers which handle specialized tasks. As a rule, the larger the network in terms of clients connecting to it or the amount of data it transfers. The more likely it is that several servers may play a role, each committed to a specific objective.

It is strictly speaking the program which handles a specific task. Nevertheless, the powerful hardware that supports this program is also usually refer because it’s software that manages a network of hundreds or thousands of clients’ needs much more reliable hardware than what you would buy for ordinary use.

Common Types of Servers

While some dedicated servers concentrate only on one task, such as a print or database server, other implementations use one of it for multiple purposes. A large, general-purpose network that supports a medium-sized company likely deploys several types of servers, including:

Web server

A web server displays websites and uses web browsers to run applications. It is connect to your browser right now it is provides this website and any photos that you see on it. In this case the client software is most likely a browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari. In addition to providing basic text and images, web servers are used for all kinds of things. For example, storing and saving files online through a cloud storage service or online backup service.

Email server

Email servers facilitate the sending and receiving of email messages. If you have an email client on your computer, the software is connecting to an IMAP or POP  to download your messages to your computer, and an SMTP server to send messages back through the email server.

FTP server

FTP servers support file transfer via the File Transfer Protocol software. It are accessible remotely via FTP client programs that connect directly to the server’s file sharing. Either through the built-in FTP functionality of the server, or through a dedicated FTP.

Computer networks support hundreds of different types of specialized server systems. Home users also communicate with online game servers, chat servers, and audio and video streaming servers in addition to the can corporate types, among others. Some servers exist for a specific purpose but aren’t necessarily interact with in any meaningful way. DNS servers and proxy servers are some examples.

Network Server Types

Many internet networks employ a model of client-server networking which integrates websites and communication services. The alternative model, called peer-to-peer networking, allows all devices on a network to act as required, either as a server or client. Peer networks offer a higher degree of privacy because intercomputer communication is narrowly focused. However, most peer-to-peer networking systems are not flexible enough to support large traffic spikes due in part to bandwidth limitations.