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You’re Probably Making These 5 Cybersecurity Mistakes Right Now

Cybercrime is a major issue, and many of us have been victims of it. However, determining exactly what has to be done to avoid cybercrime is more difficult. SSL, firewalls, and passwords…all it’s a bit complicated!

5 common cybersecurity blunders that most consumers and businesses make on a daily basis. The good news is that they’re quite simple to repair!

1. Using Passwords That Aren't Secure

If you use a password that a human or computer robot can readily guess, you and/or your firm become an easier target for hackers. Consider the following scenario:

  • Words that can be guessed or gained through social media (names, numbers, birth date)
  • Any password with fewer than eight characters is not acceptable
  • Passwords made from popular dictionary phrases.

Make sure your passwords are:

  • 12 or more characters
  • Lowercase, uppercase, numerals, and special characters are used in combination.
  • If feasible, produce a phrase at random (if not, select a phrase that is long but not too difficult to recall).

2. Unprotected WiFi Access

Anytime you connected to a public WiFi network in a resort, restaurant, or other location, you’re at risk of being hacked. Hackers may easily create their own WiFi signal. The hacker could see, steal, or manage data you make and receive once they have control of the router. They may, for example, obtain your login information and use it to gain access to your email address, banking information, and other accounts.

So each time you connect to public WiFi, use a VPN. Even if you’re connected over a hacker-controlled WiFi network, VPNs are inexpensive and efficient at keeping hackers at bay.

3. Passwords reused

It’s quite convenient to use the same password throughout many sites once you’ve set a safe password. After obtaining your password through a data breach on one site, hackers can use it to get access to your accounts on other sites.

Hundreds of records are exposed every second due to data breaches, which are much too regular. If your password is discovered, hackers might use it to get access to all of your accounts where you used the same password.

For each site, use a different password. Are using the password manager that comes with your web browser to help you remember your passwords.

4. Does not update all software to the latest version

It’s a large effort to keep all of your company’s software up to date on every computer, mobile device, website, server, and other devices. As a result, many businesses have let things drift. This is a huge blunder. One of the most prevalent reasons for data breaches is outdated software.

Hackers are always devising new attacks, and the only way to keep one step ahead of them is to make sure your software is up to date with the latest security patches and upgrades.

Automate updates in as many places as you can. Create a timetable for manually checking for software updates on each server, computer, website, and other devices on a regular basis. As soon as possible, install all security updates!

5. HTTP and/or FTP are both acceptable options

HTTP was the main protocol for accessing webpages for many years, whereas FTP was the usual protocol for publishing and updating website files. Not any longer. Nowadays, no website should use HTTP or FTP due to heightened security standards.

Using HTTPS on every page of your website, and while modifying it, always use SFTP or FTPS.


Cybersecurity is a major concern. A little security breach can cause severe harm to your site, bank account, business, or other assets. By following a few easy procedures (such as the ones discussed in this article), you may make yourself a far more difficult target for hackers.